Tuesday, 21 September 2010

More Narrative notes

There are many ways of getting information across to the audience can be given out in many ways, and not just by the protagonist talking. 'Narrative Devices' can be used to control how the information is revealed, to which character and when abouts it should be told. One form of narrative is the use of shifting time, this can include flash backs of the past of the characters previous actions or life style, flashfowards, this would probably be used in a sci-fi film with people being able to see the future such as The Dead Zone by Stephen King. Repetition of a sequence, one story shown in many P.O.V shots. Dream sequences - someone could be dreaming about their past, or a symbolic sign within their dream represents their past, this can also show someone's fear or something which they may have picked up.

Also flashbacks can alter signs in the present time, prime example is Saving Private Ryan. The whole story is basically told in Flashback, but at the end of the movie the man at the beginning has his identity revealed showing the memories belonging to him. the point-of-view in narrative had been shifted as well.

The use of shifts in narrative point-of-view and time have several effects.
    • Delaying information can build up tension which in an effort to manipulate the audience

    • the use of shifting point of view can shift the empathy towards the characters.

    • The power between characters can change with the use of shifting point of view.

Different techniques used by Filmmakers can be seen as having a desired effect. But sometimes the intention can be interpreted in many different ways.


Flashback, Flashforward, present. 'Effect' - Information being revealed at one point in a time frame will/can alter the understanding which the audience may have in another time frame.

Saving Private Ryan is a perfect example for this.

Repetition - effect - information can sometimes be revealed by increasing the amount of times the incident is shown, or the point- of -view is changed yet on the same incident. A good example of this is Memento.

Dreams - Effect - The use of dreams can mislead people into what is real and not, sometimes giving a false belief as the audience may believe that some events are actually taking place when really they are not. Examples - Jacob's Ladder and Mulholland Drive.

Hallucinations - Effect - The use of hallucinations are great for misleading the audiences, this situtates the audience with the character as they both have the same amount of knowledge on the situtation. Example - A Beautiful Mind

Premonitions - Effect - These are the expectations on what is about to happen in the narrative but these expectations can sometimes not happen. Example Don't Look Now

Voice-Over - Effect- voice-overs can be discrepancy which is basically talking over a certain shot but not necessarily talking about what is happening in the shot. This is usually used in trailers.

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