Thursday, 23 September 2010

Mood Board

I really like the result of the mood board, the genre is really strong through the use of the back ground image and colour. I like how chalice and myself have created a collage type way of explaining our ideas/theme/influences. The top left are the films which have influenced us, halloween has influenced us by the fact it is low budget and the use of low angles, Nightmare On Elm Street influenced us by the 'Dream' idea of someone going into your dreams, but instead of a murderer, it will be your fears or just your dreams killing you. The music box represents the sound we will preferably use at the beginning of the trailer, i feel this is effective because it will contrast the genre or horror and emphasis how innocent and elegant the sound of the music box is. I feel if we do use the music box at the beginning it can start out sounding calm and gradually sounding more sinister, at first this would confuse the audience thinking it's nice and calming, and will trick the audience into thinking it's a happy movie, but the use of the music box turning sinister will aid the idea that the movie is actually horror. We used the clown because people tend to be afraid of clowns so this can be a nightmare where as the bear is usually a contrasted to horror, which children may tend to dream about. We put the bear there to show that it may be one of the 'dreams' we will show that will turn evil and shows that not just fears will kill them but the things they cherish as well. The man with the knife and the question mark upon his face was put on there because usually you dont know who the killer is, and i think the trailer will be effective because people will possibly think at first it is just one person and not realising is a multiple of things. The use of the house is to show that's where we will mainly be shooting most of the footage, and also that the film is based in the house, also the woman shows that the murdering will happen when you are sleeping. I do think Chalice and myself have done the mood board successfully and people will be able to know what the film is about/genre.

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