Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Next step
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Edited Photos

Sunday, 21 November 2010
Idea developed
Thursday, 11 November 2010
22nd November - I'll be practising the zombie make-up on my partner to test out and see what will work, by then i would have researched thoroughly on zombie films and how they interpret zombies.
1st December - On this day we hope to start filming at the locations we've decided to use.
Friday, 22 October 2010
Plan for Half term
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Changing idea
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Official Trailer: 500 Days of Summer
The opening scene is a typical 'Falling in Love' the sound of the harp playing in the background as he looks at the girl, this instantly shows that he has fallen for her, as it first shows a shot of her, then the camera jump-cuts to him and slowly zooms in. I feel the next scene where they are talking about their childhood gives a scope on what they were like, when the girl says something unexpected and the music instantly stops at that point, i feel the use of the music stopping at that exact point gives the impression that you subconsciously stop as well and think twice about what she had just said. I would like to use that idea within the trailer as i feel it can create tension or laughter, as the stopping of the music gives time for the audience to figure out the meaning of the actors/actress sentence. The slow gradual built of the music progressing and becoming louder suggests that we see the progression of their relationship and how it develops.
Changed Idea
I will research romance trailer such as The Notebook, 500 Days of Summer and Youth and Revolt, and try to find other romance movies that aren't as comical.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
What the group has done so far.
Chalice and i have have been considering camera angles, the lighting and the possible actors we will use, also considering the costumes and make-up.
Matt and Rathe have been drawing out the story board and also a detailed written version.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Friday, 24 September 2010
Opening scenes/Theories

Thursday, 23 September 2010
Mood Board

Tuesday, 21 September 2010
More Narrative notes
- Delaying information can build up tension which in an effort to manipulate the audience
- the use of shifting point of view can shift the empathy towards the characters.
- The power between characters can change with the use of shifting point of view.
Different techniques used by Filmmakers can be seen as having a desired effect. But sometimes the intention can be interpreted in many different ways.
Flashback, Flashforward, present. 'Effect' - Information being revealed at one point in a time frame will/can alter the understanding which the audience may have in another time frame.
Saving Private Ryan is a perfect example for this.
Repetition - effect - information can sometimes be revealed by increasing the amount of times the incident is shown, or the point- of -view is changed yet on the same incident. A good example of this is Memento.
Dreams - Effect - The use of dreams can mislead people into what is real and not, sometimes giving a false belief as the audience may believe that some events are actually taking place when really they are not. Examples - Jacob's Ladder and Mulholland Drive.
Hallucinations - Effect - The use of hallucinations are great for misleading the audiences, this situtates the audience with the character as they both have the same amount of knowledge on the situtation. Example - A Beautiful Mind
Premonitions - Effect - These are the expectations on what is about to happen in the narrative but these expectations can sometimes not happen. Example Don't Look Now
Voice-Over - Effect- voice-overs can be discrepancy which is basically talking over a certain shot but not necessarily talking about what is happening in the shot. This is usually used in trailers.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Mood Board/ Development of ideas
We have come up with an idea of what the first shot might be, but we may change it or ulter it slightly, the opening scene of the trailer will be shot at nighttime obviously to represent and show that the character is asleep, the music will be from a mobile or from an ornament to create a calming atmosphere giving the idea that the movie is not horror, i think this is effective as this may trick the audience into thinkingit's not horror. The camera will be shot from point of view, which is often used to show through the eyes of the killer, it will look around to show where the set is and whom the character is, the camera will then slowly move over to the victim and look above them. Then the shot is in a forest, this represents on what the person is dreaming and what they are doing, the camera shot will still be in point of view and will gradually run to the victim then it will cut. I really do like this idea as it goes from a calming atmosphere to suddenly horrific, also the idea of the mobile lullaby gives a sense of vulnerability compared to the movie, emphasising how dangerous the killer is.
HalloweenSeries.com Halloween Trailer
This trailer is very effective as most of the film is dark and hardly any light shining through, except for a few clips. The high pitched, screeching music is effective as it tends to send shivers towards the audience because it is a build up to the horrifying scene. Also it has been cleverly planned out as the sound isn't always used, which creates more tension because nothing is there to guide you when something bad is about to commence. The shots which they decided to use are very effective, a point of view shot has been used at first in the eyes of the killer which you then see a few seconds later on whom it is, it's effective because you never would have thought of it to be a child as they are seen as vulnerable and innocent. This would instantly draw the audience in as it is unexpected and they would probably want to know why he did it and his motive. It is a typical horror trailer as you can not clearly see the killer, and therefore scares us more because we can not identify him properly. Also how the title sequence keeps reappearing, they may have done this so you won't forget it and it stays in your head more than if it appeared only the once. The use of the voice over is effective as it sets the scene and also one of the characters talking about the killer, the use of background information draws you in as sometimes it informs the audience how it started, or why he does it.
Friday, 10 September 2010
Sleepy Hollow trailer analysis
This is a very effective trailer, always changing the pace, the music's pitch or tempo and the lighting as well, it always keeps the audience of their seat. I would like to use the idea of changing from one tempo to the next and back again, giving the idea you can't escape.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Group discussion 2
The angels we could use may be extreme close-ups to emphasis the terror in the victims eyes and also making it scarier as you do not know what has killed each victim, giving the idea that it's the same monster/person and not thinking that it could be something different each time. A high angel of the person sleeping to identify what the person is doing and also sets the scene and possibly time depending on the lighting within the shot. The scenery wouldn't be the same as such, we may have a victim in hospital, this emphasises how vulnerable they are as a hospital is the sign of injured. We suggested we could have a street scene where someone falls asleep after drinking too much and their nightmare happens then.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Group discussion/Ideas
I wanted to do something along the lines of black comedy or horror containing comedy such as Shaun of the dead, but i felt doing the humour isn't something i can easily achieve and probably wouldn't end up being as funny as i thought it would. In the end we decided to do horror. I do believe horror is the easiest the achieve with all the camera shots to give the right effect and atmosphere, the use of pacing to show a build up to something. The use of music or sound could create a very tense scene.
At first with the camera angles it was going to be hand held camera like in Blair witch project and the clover field, but we felt it was very limiting and may not create the atmoshpere we would want it to. The first idea was the trailer would start off with a couple on a beach having a fun time, then it would jumpcut to a clip of people running through woods and screaming, then flash back again to the beach and the cheerful times within the clip, then it would finally jumpcut again to the running and the camera glances back only seeing shadows running after them. I really did feel this idea had potenial but we discussed further and felt and many trailers have done this and felt the effect probably would be as horrific as we would have hoped.
Our other idea was that the end of the film would be the first clip of the trailer and would be a girl in ripped clothing drenched in blood banging on a door screaming help, someone opens the door and asks 'what happened' the girl falls to the floor and looks up at the person and as she's about to speak it jump cuts to a slow pacing shot running in the woods, the pacing of the jumpcuts gradularly becomes faster and the scenes contain clips of them running, close-ups of scared facial expressions, then the last shot could be a close up of the eyes of the monster/killer.
The locations which we could film in - Beach - where the couples are having fun, woods - a typical scene where most movies take place, graveyard - obvious scary place as where the dead rests, oldtown - historic/distorted looking buildings helps give the eeriness of the film.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
- Sequence of events
-The means by which a story within a film is structured and organised to create a given meaning - Normally have an exposition, which is in the opening scenes of the film and presents the protagonist and their situation or predicament
- May hint a back story to that character which will shape the characters behaviour and the events that befall upon them.
Ellipsis - Change of time.
This can be shown through when a flash back appears, it's usually in black and white.
In Momento when we look back at the man writing down important facts about a murderer, the scene is in black and white.
Parallel narratives - two stories at the same time
Tzvetan Todorov is a Bulgarian philosopher and his theory was:
Equilibrium: the state of normality of someone's life.
Disequilibrium: Something which creates the imbalance of the normality state.
New equilibrium: Normality has restored, doesn't mean the life is what it used to be, living a new normality state.
Bambi - Equilibrium - Bambi happy with his mother whislt being a young deer.
- Disequilibrium - Bambi's mum is shot
- New equilibrium - His father takes him in and looks after him.
Films can also fit into another structure which is often used, Vladimir Propp was a Russian Formalist who analysised Russian Fairytales and came up with a theory that is thought to be in most stories. The theory was that a particular group of characters always appear in most stories, especially Fairytales:
Example for the use of ToyStory 1
1. Sid - The Villian -
2. Mr Potatoe head The Donor - Prepares the hero for the adventure ahead
3. All the toys - The (Magical) Helper - Helps the hero throughout the task
4. Little Bow Peep - The princess of prize - What the hero gets once defeating the villian or the task and ends up marrying the princess
5. Her Father - Gives the task to the hero
6. The Dispatcher - makes the lack known and sends the hero off
7. Woody/Buzz The hero or victim/seeker hero - reacts to the donor
8. False Hero - Takes all the credit
There is another structure which is commonly used by large Hollywood Productions which is called 'The Classic Hollywood', this contains more sections to Todorov's theory.
Exposition - tells us a little bit about the protagonist and sets the scene.
Development - the film proceeds further and tells us more about the protagonist and the relationship with others.
Complications - A problem occurs which makes the life of the protagonist harder
Climax - The situation builds up to the problem and fights it.
Resolution - All is restored the protagonist is happy once again, basically what happens after the problem has gone.
However a film called Momento goes against Todorov's theory of the three main structures of a film. Momento starts off being in a disequilibrium state, and every time the protagonist is close to finding out the problem so they are thrown back again. This film is very effective as it breaks all the rules of being an organised film, also the idea of the story flowing through, whereas in Momento as the story goes forward it keeps converting backwards as well.